Niño de Rosas
(Child of Roses)


SATB, mezzo-soprano soloist



Chanticleer at the American Choral Directors Association convention, 2011
Symphony Hall, Chicago

American Choral Directors Association - Raymond W. Brock commission, 2011

Pacific Lutheran University on "A Child Is Born"

ECS No. 7711, Mezzo-Sop solo & SATB divisi

Program Notes

Niño de Rosas (Child of Roses) is the first of the Three Mystical Choruses. The mezzo-soprano soloist portrays a young gypsy girl who tells the fortune of the infant Christ.  Initially, she asks for alms in payment.  As the story progresses, and she sees the suffering Christ will endure, she is transformed herself and, instead of alms, asks for glory in payment.

Niño de Rosas may be performed separately or as part of the Three Mystical Choruses.


Text / translation

Niño de rosas (Child of Roses)

Dame una limosnita,
Niño bendito,
Si me das la mano,
Infante divino,
la buenaventura
verás que te digo.

Niño de rosas,
dale a la gitanita
paga de glorias. 

Miro aquí la raya,
que muestra que aúnque niño
verterás tu sangre,
baño a mis delitos.

Niño de rosas,
dale a la gitanita
paga de glorias.

Serás de tres reyes
Rey reconocido,
y a este mismo tiempo
de un rey perseguido.

Niño de rosas,
dale a la gitanita
paga de glorias.

Miro esotra raya,
¡oh con qué prodigios!
A los treinta y tres,
dejarás la vida,
de amores rendido.

Niño de rosas,
dale a la gitanita
paga de glorias.

Dame una limosnita,
dale a la gitanita
paga de glorias.

Niño de rosas!

-Jacinto de Evia
(b. circa 1629, Guayaquil Ecuador)



Give me alms
Blessed child,

If you would give me your hand
Infant divine,
the fortune
you will see which I’ll tell you.

Child of roses
give this little gypsy girl
glory as payment.

I read on your palm
the line that says, “although you are a child,
you will shed your blood,
which cleanses my sins.”

Child of roses
give this little gypsy girl
glory as payment.

By three kings
you will be venerated as a king
and at the same time
by a king you shall be persecuted.

Child of roses
give this little gypsy girl
glory as payment.

I see in another line
O, what wonders!
At thirty years
you will give up your life,
exhausted by love.

Child of roses
give this little gypsy girl
glory as payment.

Give me alms,
give this little gypsy girl
glory as payment.

Child of roses!

(English translation SS)