Masters In This Hall


1. TTBB  a cappella 
2. SATB (divisi) a cappella




Lehigh University Glee Club (TTBB)
The Princeton Singers (SATB)
Steven Sametz, director

Lehigh University Glee Club (TTBB)
Steven Sametz, director

NoteNova Publications

Program Notes

This old French Christmas melody is set in a lively new arrangement.


Masters in this hall, hear ye news today.
Brought from over the sea and ever I you pray.
Nowell, nowell, nowell, nowell sing we clear!
Holpen are all folk on Earth, born is Godes Son so dear!
Nowell, nowell, nowell, nowell sing we loud!
God today hath poor folk raised and cast a-down the proud.

Shepherds many an one sat among the sheep,
No man spake more word than they had been asleep.

Then to Bethlem town, we went two and two,
And in a sorry place, heard the oxen low.

Therein did we see, a sweet and goodly may
And a fair old man, upon the straw she lay.

This is Christ the Lord, masters be ye glad!
Christmas is come in, and no folk should be sad.

–English words by William Morris


“Masters in this Hall” SATB

“Masters in this Hall” TTBB

All scores are downloadable PDFs, excluding rental materials. After completing your purchase, you will be sent a link to the PDFs, allowing you to print off the score.

Masters In This Hall (TTBB)
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Masters In This Hall (SATB)
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